3304-1-13. Deadline for submitting a bill to OOD for payment  

Latest version.
  • When OOD purchases a good or service from any vendor or service provider, the vendor or service provider shall submit the bill to OOD within ninety days of OOD's acceptance of the good or service or within ninety days of the date OOD becomes aware of a bill being due. If the vendor or service provider cannot submit the bill within ninety days, the vendor or service provider may request an extension indicating the reason for needing an extension and the amount of time needed. The request for an extension must be made in writing to the OOD executive director or his designee at least thirty days before the bill is due. If the bill is not submitted to OOD within ninety days of acceptance of the good or service or if a written extension is not requested, OOD may not pay the bill. When OOD asks a vendor to bill a third party before billing OOD, that vendor shall submit the bill within ninety days of receiving payment from the third party.

Effective: 8/1/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 5/1/2019 and 08/01/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3304.15, 3304.16
Rule Amplifies: 3304.16
Prior Effective Dates: 02/09/1995, 01/07/2003, 09/27/2013