3356-10-20. Faculty workload  

Latest version.
  • (A) Policy statement. Upon accepting an appointment, a faculty member assumes responsibilities for teaching, scholarship, and service. Participation in these three activities is understood to be a component of a faculty member's total workload.

    (B) Parameters.

    (1) Academic departments will create within themselves a community of expectation that fosters the continuing professional development of their faculty in the context established by the needs of the college or university.

    (2) Academic departmental communities exist within and have a responsibility to the larger community of expectation, which is the college and university.

    (3) The variability of workload distribution related to teaching, research, and service among colleges, departments, and individuals is recognized. Therefore, the responsibility for the development of workload policy is at the departmental level and is included in the departmental governance document. The following guidelines are designed to assist departments as they develop the workload policy:

    (a) Follow the direction provided by the Ohio board of regents and adhere to the provisions of the current "Agreement between Youngstown State University and Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association," including submission of their statements for review and approval to the college dean.

    (b) Base the development of workload policy on the approved written mission, goals, and objectives of the unit under the aegis of the mission, vision, and goals of the university.

    (c) Recognize that instructional (other than teaching), scholarly, and service activities are a normal part of a faculty member's professional responsibility. Instructional activities other than teaching include, for example, advising, assessment, curriculum development.

    (d) Understand that, reflecting individual faculty strengths, interests, and abilities, there will be differences in the assignment of workload responsibilities to individual faculty members within the department.

    (e) Understand that, given the difference of mission, goals, and objectives among departments, there may be differences in the assignment of workload responsibilities among departments.

    (f) Reassignment from teaching may be authorized when the faculty member's project or assignment will be substantial and beyond what is ordinarily expected when having a teaching assignment of twenty-four workload hours. Individual faculty members seeking reassignment within departmental guidelines will submit a written statement of their proposal and, ultimately, a written report of the outcomes of the project. Reports must be submitted to the chair within sixty days of the beginning of the term following the reassignment or prior to requesting additional reassigned time.

    Alternatives to teaching must be approved by the departmental chair, the dean, and the provost. The chair and the dean hold the responsibility to ensure that all proposals are considered fairly and that departmental teaching obligations are fulfilled within an approved budget allocation. The chair and the dean will review the outcomes of the assignments. Written records of the proposal, its outcomes, and the review of the chair and dean will be kept on file in the department. Subsequent reassignments will be dependent on satisfactory outcomes of the previous projects as determined by the chair and the dean.

Replaces: 3356:1-11-21

Effective: 8/21/2010
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356
Rule Amplifies: 3356
Prior Effective Dates: 1/24/00, 6/16/03