Chapter3356-10. Policies on Admission, Retention, and Graduation standards

3356-10-01. Hiring and selection process for full and part-time faculty
3356-10-02. Graduate faculty
3356-10-03. Affiliated scholars
3356-10-04. Degrees
3356-10-05. Honorary degrees and commencement speakers
3356-10-06. Admission, retention, and graduation standards
3356-10-07. Organization of instruction
3356-10-08. Sabbatical leave for department chairpersons
3356-10-09. Adjunct faculty
3356-10-10. Academic senate
3356-10-11. Continuing education unit [RESCINDED]
3356-10-12. Teaching by staff
3356-10-13. Research, grants, and sponsored programs
3356-10-13.1. Cost-sharing and overmatching on external grants and contracts
3356-10-13.2. Payment of indirect costs on external grants and contracts
3356-10-13.3. Disposition of residual funds from external grants and contracts
3356-10-14. Integrity in research - use of human participants
3356-10-15. Integrity in research - use and care of animals
3356-10-16. Research misconduct
3356-10-17. Objectivity in research - avoidance of conflicts of interest and/or commitment in sponsored research
3356-10-18. Intellectual property rights
3356-10-19. Supplementary pay for faculty teaching at distant off-campus sites
3356-10-20. Faculty workload
3356-10-21. Establishing, altering, or abolishing educational, research, and public service centers, institutes, and laboratories [RESCINDED]
3356-10-22. Partnerships, centers, and related arrangements
3356-10-23. Textbook selection
3356-10-24. Export control policy