3701-8-01. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • (A) "Accreditation" means the process by which a local implementing agency reaches the quality standards set forth by the evidence based model.

    (B) "Affiliation" means a verified association with an evidence-based home visiting model, per model standards.

    (C) "Assessment" means the ongoing procedures used by qualified personnel to assess a child and family's resources, strengths, priorities, needs risks, and concerns.

    (D) "Caregiver" means a parent or relative who has assumed an active role in the health and welfare of a child eligible for home visiting services.

    (E) "Centralized intake and referral contractor" means any entity who enters into agreement with the Ohio department of health to provide administration and oversight of central intake activities as specified in section 3701.611 of the Revised Code or its successor. At a minimum, these activities include public awareness, child find, maintaining central directories, and referral activity.

    (F) "Child find" means the strategies and activities which identify families, parents, caregivers, or other individuals potentially eligible for home visiting and community health worker related services, as well as part C early intervention services as determined by the Ohio department of developmental disabilities.

    (G) "Consent" means that written permission is provided once an individual has been fully informed of all information relevant to the activity for which permission is sought. Consent is further voluntarily given and may be revoked at any time.

    (H) "Contract manager" means the designated individual who is responsible for oversight and monitoring of central intake and referral activities as outlined in this rule and in agreements entered into with the department.

    (I) "Department" means the Ohio department of health.

    (J) "Developmental delay" means delays in any or all areas including cognitive, social, language, sensory, and emotional development.

    (K) "Director" means the director of health or authorized designee.

    (L) "Early intervention" means the statewide program authorized by part C of the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997," 20 U.S.C. 1400 as implemented by the state's lead agency.

    (M) "Early intervention service coordination contractor" means any entity that provides early intervention service coordination as required by the lead agency for part C services.

    (N) "Evidence-based home visiting model" means utilizing a model that has been determined evidence-based by the Ohio department of health (ODH), and/or the office of planning, research, and evaluation in the administration for children and families, United States department of health and human services or its successor.

    (O) "Family" means at least one eligible caregiver or parent, and at least one eligible infant or toddler.

    (P) "Family goal plan" means a written plan that guides the development of home visiting activities, the identification of resources, and the successful achievements that build a family's resiliency and promote protective factors.

    (Q) "Federal poverty level" or "FPL" means the level of household income by family size as reported in the federal register by the United States department of health and human services, published on or before April first of each year.

    (R) "Fidelity" means the extent to which each program or provider, as a whole, performs in accordance with established model standards and guidelines.

    (S) "Financial solvency" means an entity's ability to pay their long-term debts including any associated interest. To be considered solvent, the value of a company's or individual's assets must be greater than the sum of their debt obligations.

    (T) "Home visit" means a completed in person activity where screening, assessment, family goal planning, the delivery of parenting education, or referral services were facilitated.

    (U) "Home visiting" means an in person, evidenced-based service that provides expectant parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers, particularly those considered at-risk, the necessary resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn.

    (V) "Home visitor" means the qualified individual who delivers services during home visits.

    (W) "Home visiting program manager" means the qualified individual responsible for the day-to-day, hands on management of the local implementing agency, and is responsible for program planning, budgeting, staffing, training, quality assurance, and evaluation.

    (X) "Home visiting provider" means any local implementing agency or entity which provides home visits through a contract, grant or other agreement with the department.

    (Y) "Home visiting supervisor" means the qualified individual who provides the supervision of services delivered by the home visitor.

    (Z) "Infant" means a child from birth through twelve months of age.

    (AA) "Innovative" or "promising approach" means a process, product, strategy, or practice that improves (or is expected to improve) significantly upon the outcomes reached with current/status quo options and that can ultimately reach widespread effective usage.

    (BB) "Local implementing agency (LIA)" means an agency who has entered into an agreement with the department to provide evidence-based home visiting services.

    (CC) "Native language" means the language normally used by an individual or family. When used with respect to an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or for an individual with no written language, it means the mode of communication that is normally used by that individual, such as sign language, braille, or other communication.

    (DD) "Parent" means an adult caregiver responsible for a child's health and well-being.

    (EE) "Parenting education" means sharing age-appropriate child development information, coaching appropriate activities and behaviors, and answering questions about child development with a caregiver of a child.

    (FF) "Personally identifiable information" means information which can identify an individual, including but not limited to: child's name; name of the child's parent or other family member; address of the child or child's family; a personal identifier, such as the child's social security number or identification number; a list of personal characteristics that would make the child's identity easily traceable; or other information that would make the child's identity easily traceable.

    (GG) "Primary referral sources" means those individuals or agencies making referrals to the centralized intake and referral system for any home visiting or part C service. Sources may include, but are not limited to hospital personnel, physicians, parents, caregivers, child care programs, early learning programs, local education agencies and schools, public health facilities, other public health or social service agencies, other clinics and health care providers, public agencies and staff in the child welfare system, including child protective services and foster care, homeless family shelters, and domestic violence shelters and agencies.

    (HH) "Privacy practices" means the procedural safeguards providers must implement and adhere to in order to safeguard personally identifiable information and to ensure program participants are advised of their rights.

    (II) "Program referral" means the activity of making an eligible family known from a centralized intake contractor to a home visiting provider or an early intervention service coordination contractor for the purposes of initiating services.

    (JJ) "Research-informed parenting curriculum" means an education tool approved by the Ohio department of health that is used with caregivers to educate on topics related to birth outcomes and/or parenting, in which research has demonstrated effectiveness for the purposeand goals of its use.

    (KK) "Record" means a document, file, device, or item regardless of physical form or characteristic, including electronic format, created or received for an individual from system referral through program exit or transition.

    (LL) "Screening tool" or "screening" means the administration of a department approved, evidenced-based, or research-informed instrument that informs the assessment and/ or generates needed community-based referrals. Approved screening may include, however not be limited to those instruments that inform the areas of child development, social-emotional growth, parent/caregiver depression, intimate partner violence (domestic/sexual violence and coercion), chemical and tobacco use and home safety.

    (MM) "Sentinel event" means a critical incident where the safety of a child or caregiver receiving home visiting services becomes jeopardized. At a minimum, this includes a child or caregiver death, or serious abuse incidents that prompt child welfare investigation.

    (NN) "Statewide data system" means the data entry platform approved by the department for central intake and referral and home visiting related services.

    (OO) "System referral" means the instance when a potentially eligible family is made known to a centralized intake contractor, with the following information: child's age; child's county of residence; parent or caregiver's first and last name; and telephone number; e-mail address; or mailing address.

    (PP) "Toddler" means a child who is at least thirteen months, but less than thirty-six months of age.

    (QQ) "Transition" means the change within or exit from home visiting services including:

    (1) Exit from services due ineligibility at age three years, unless otherwise specified;

    (2) Exit from one home visiting program to another in either the same or different service location in the state;

    (3) Exit to an appropriate development-enhancing setting;

    (4) Exit from home visiting for other reasons.

Replaces: 3701-8-01

Effective: 7/1/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/01/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.61
Rule Amplifies: 3701.61
Prior Effective Dates: 8/8/2005, 7/16/2010, 9/3/2012, 9/5/2013, 1/15/2015