3357:15-14-05. Faculty rank and promotion  

Latest version.
  • The college uses the faculty ranks of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and full professor. The rank is awarded by the president and confirmed by the board of trustees, upon the recommendation of the advancement- in- rank committee, taking into account the degrees attained, professional license, experience, number of years employed by the college and responsibility of administrative duties.

    (A) Promotion referral document: The procedures outlined in the advancement-in-rank process for the candidate and operating guidelines documents will be followed to consider promotion.

    (B) Rank and level: The president has the discretion of placing an individual with exceptional ability at any rank and level on the schedule. All previous teaching experience and related industrial or business experience are taken into consideration.

    (C) Exceptional promotions: The president, in rare and unusual circumstances, may recommend to the board of trustees, for its immediate consideration, a promotion in rank for a faculty member. This promotion in rank will be in recognition of the honor bestowed upon the faculty member or the college as a result of outstanding service . This rank can be granted without reference to the required or length of service .

Effective: 5/29/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357.09
Rule Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/15/2009, 02/22/2015